Meet my new Fenix LD20 (180 lumen) and my Spyderco Sage , a true urban Gentleman's tool :-) I haven't really tested the Fenix yet. The Sage however is an awesome tool. It is extremely sharp (steel CPM-S30V), and its handle which is made of carbon fibres gives it a very elegant look and an excellent grip. I also like the clip being made out of wire, that way it remains discreet in your pocket without scaring the hell out of people not so much used to knives. Yet, the clip is not as robust as other more classic clips (like the Griptilian 's for instance) and it can bend if it is trapped between you and a wall or if it gets stuck in any other way. Unfortunately, ordering a mere replacement clip from the US is indeed quite an expensive bargain... Still if you move a bit careful, the Sage is an awesome little knife to possess.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Stomach Aneurysm More Condition_symptoms
When government threatens its subjects ...
I can only agree with Dan Mitchell on this one:
It is a tedious production, but perhaps it deserves an award for being the most sinister or collectivist video on youtube. The video is designed to bully Brits into telling tax authorities about offshore accounts, and the narrator brags that the tax authorities has “more powers” and actually has the nerve to complain that people with undeclared accounts are ”robbing public services of much needed funding.”
Yes, robbery is taking place. But at the risk of pointing out the obvious, it is government that is using coercion to take money it doesn’t deserve.
Stomach Disorders More Condition_symptoms
burqa ban? The Netherlands now
Therefore: A Burkaverbot is ineffective, illiberal and suffers only from demarcation and enforcement problems.
Should Muslim women in Switzerland wearing the burqa ban ? Certainly, the attitude of Islam towards women is anything but open. You might even find that Islam in general, especially freedom. Tolerant Muslims are found only in fact always there, where Islam is in the minority. Predominantly Muslim societies are characterized by contrast, a high degree of oppression and violence. Personally, I have no doubt that Muslim women are prevented regularly in a free personal development, the burqa and the increased mass circumcision of women is an expression of this mentality terror.
is now to ban the burqa, the Swiss government as a "symbol of oppression"? Several problems arise in this context: on the one hand, a ban will change little if anything to the real situation of these women. Does anyone seriously because their husbands will leave them just now without the burka in public? Obvious point is that these women, the transition to outside will now be banned altogether, which is hardly in the sense of their "liberators" may be. In their oppression by their husbands will not change anything anyway. Another dilemma is heralded in adult women who insist credible that they voluntarily wear the burka . Who Can they now simply pay no faith and deny them the self-determination, even though they are legally of age (and perhaps even voting)?
And finally, how such a burqa law supposed to look like in reality? Defined it in his article a burqa, the garment? Is then defined with bureaucratic precision, which makes up a burka, including centimeters in length and fabric quality? Or just the religious disguise is prohibited on public property? And what about private property? And scarves are amorphous and coats, as found particularly often in Turkish women and Bosnian women, will continue to "legally"? These garments are so well suited to flesh out the oppression of women by men. The delimitation, definition and enforcement problems are inevitable.
These laws idea highlights a classic problem of the interventionist state, in which we live: The provision reflects a commendable in itself may attitude, they should make the good intentions of their makers to the test and provide the justified outrage of the public a forum. Similarly, they have done in the anti-racism legislation : Everyone who was against racism had to be for this bill, so it seemed. That it liberal and practical arguments could be against it, even if you own Holocaust-deniers and racists hated, it was unthinkable for the people who seek salvation at social problems always patronizing government regulations, irrespective of the effect is achieved in the real world then, "rather a well-intentioned ineffective law as no law. " But laws have always seen the immediate effects can, and effects that you see just immediately, but just falling weight. This has put the great French Libéral , Frédéric Bastiat , noted in 1850:
"In the area of economics called an act, a habit an institution, a law not only one effect but produced a number of effects. Of these effects is only the first directly, it appears simultaneously with its cause, you see . The others develop only gradually, you can not see ; happy when they anticipates .
This is the whole difference between a good and a bad economist: one at the visible effect, another stuck into account both the effect that you see and one that we must anticipate .
But this difference is enormous because it is almost always the case that the direct Result is favorable and the ultimate consequences of disastrous and vice versa. . - The result is that the bad economist seeking a small current enhancement, which arises from a great evil, while the true economist strives for a great future improvement of the risk of a small present evil "
Therefore: A Burkaverbot is ineffective, illiberal and suffers only from demarcation and enforcement problems.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Pink Eye Geographic Location
Bank data
I am nevertheless always surprised with what self-evident Schmalosigkeit the state law breaks when it comes to his own Interests goes.
The Netherlands buy bank details
The Dutch government has from an unnamed informant a list with data on "a few hundred and get Dutch, who presumably through bank accounts in foreign tax evasion shall have. This is a letter from the Financial Secretary Jan Kees de Jager, to parliament and a communiqué of the Ministry of Finance to see.
The list contains name, address, account number, balance and telephone number of the "Black savers." The informant will receive compensation , the amount of the Data quality and yield depend on the Treasury's financial, but not a ceiling of "several hundred thousand euros" would exceed. (...)
is completely clear that this involves the offense of receiving stolen goods. The "informant" has unlawfully obtained information and then sells them to the state, intending to use this information in their own interest. A private person would do the same is, would follow this law. The state, however, as such, is not law, but above the law. He turns and watches outside all norms, as the only justification he knows the own "public Interest ". The traditional natural law idea that the state can have only those rights and must, which has entrusted the people of free will is no longer valid. Oblivion is here that the state only due to this delegation mechanism legitimacy ever relates. The fact that usurp the representatives of the state systematically and repeatedly granted to them were even ready to never occur, the state loses its legitimacy. He outclassed by the fact the mere arbitrary robbers.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Cubefield Weekend Game
Gun culture in Switzerland
There's a very good video on Swiss gun culture , really worth watching. I stumpled upon it through the Firearm Blog , one of the excellent gun blogs out there:
There is an interesting video at about the famous unique gun culture of Switzerland. At the start of the video a Swiss guy shows the rifle he used in military service, his fathers service rifle and says that his grandfather's service rifle is hanging in his office. How cool is that?Here's an old picture from LIFE documenting that tradition and showing what appears to be a K11 (the predecessor of the classic K31)
For more information on these old Swiss rifles (in German: " Karabiner "/ in French: " Mousquetons ") click here.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Increased Cervical Mucus Before Period?
arms purchase in Switzerland
For people who want to buy firearms legally in Switzerland, and the like, or sale had recommended that the following websites: /
Sure better than the tolerable tax and scrapping actions participate in the cantons.
For people who want to buy firearms legally in Switzerland, and the like, or sale had recommended that the following websites: /
Sure better than the tolerable tax and scrapping actions participate in the cantons.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Cancer Of The Tongue More Condition_symptoms
Liberal Programme 2009
the occasion of the 1st Augustus I may return to my already almost traditional collection of liberal and liberal claims tie in Switzerland, as annually adjusted easily comes along.
first Natural law
It will create a new Article 7 a in Federal Constitution : "Section 1: The Constitution does not create rights, it recognizes only the inherent and pre-existing rights of man para 2. The state serves the preservation of these rights. "
second Flood of legislation
Every law is equipped to adopt a Sunset Clause, that the law expires automatically after a certain time, unless it is re-confirmed (in a referendum capable of parliament). The legal commission of the Parliament are instructed to submit by 2010 a report on the unnecessary laws of Switzerland. With each adoption by Parliament or government default, the following questions must be answered: " What are the economic effects that you see? What are the economic effects can not you see? "
third Taxes
The tax law is simplified. Tax increases are constitutionally prohibited. The Stamp Act is deleted. There is a uniform value added tax. Experimental way, in 2011 declared the year, excluding VAT. All direct business taxes and property taxes be abolished. It will only be proportional income tax (flat rate tax ") were measured. Inheritance and gift taxes are classified as unconstitutional because they violate the fundamental rights to property.
4th Weapons law
Similar to the basic ticket constitutionally entitled to possession and carrying of firearms is recognized. To pass a test and explicit obstacles (previous convictions for crimes against life and limb, interdiction, etc.) may be provided by law. Courses for perfecting the weapons handling are deductible for tax purposes.
5th Expansion of the bureaucracy
The official number is frozen. The respective departments and Agency chief draw up plans to bring the stock of public administration at the 1990 level. Should this fail, the then existing structure and then be taken over by force.
6th Freedom of expression
Any form of "Thought Crime " is abolished. The anti-racism penal provision is deleted. The incitement to crime is punishable by existing laws. Interpretation of history is for historians, not the parliaments, governments and courts.
7th The Road to Serfdom
The " Road to Serfdom "by Frederick Augustus heard of Hayek required reading in schools. The lessons and the private purchase of this book from the released funds of development assistance are subsidized (see below). The book price is tax deductible.
8th People's Rights
the required number of signatures for referendums and constitutional initiatives will be doubled. The tax referendum is introduced.
ninth choice of the Federal
Tentatively, the Federal Council elected by the people. The test period is 8 years, then a public opinion poll conducted this.
10. Military service
The prohibition to make service in foreign armies, are repealed. The federal tax owed (unless removed) will be reduced proportionally to the number of paid days of service in the Swiss army each year. Military service is voluntary.
11th Intervention in the economy
stimulus or stimulant is constitutionally prohibited.
12th Monetary policy
The gold standard is introduced.
13th Competition
The Competition Act is abolished. The Competition Commission is recognized as a plane-based instrument and therefore eliminated. The market is there addressed.
14th Parallel imports
parallel imports are allowed and unilateral. The property is not a guarantee of freedom of a specific sales price. In particular, products that are approved in the EU and the United States (or their constituent states) may be freely imported into Switzerland.
15th Subsidies
all forms of subsidies are terminated. This will only obscures true costs or other (the taxpayers) to bear. The subsidization of agriculture is gradually reduced to zero.
16th Immigration law has
Any foreigner entering of a contract, can. In return, he has no claim to the state for five years.
17th Juvenile justice
who is old enough, is to commit crimes against life and person, who is also old enough to be treated like an adult and possibly punished.
18th Radio and television
The state is with immediate effect from all areas of radio and television. Accordingly, no radio and television fees will be charged more. The federal government may ever a radio station in German, French and Italian to inform the population is involved in an emergency. This radio is financed from the resources freed up the set Culture (see below). AG decisions will be liquidated. From the proceeds of liquidation, an exhibition on state propaganda and media manipulation is funded in totalitarian states.
19th Insurance
health insurance and contributions to the 2nd Column (pension fund) are now voluntary. The same rules apply as for household and private liability insurance. Such deposits and premiums are tax deductible.
20th Smoking bans Smoking bans Legal
be replaced by the phrase: ". It is for the private owner to decide what happens in its premises " The perfidious warnings on cigarette Päckli be removed.
21st Federal Office of Public Health
purpose of the Federal Office of Public Health to preserve the general health of the population, the fight against epidemics, etc. The individual health (obesity, smoking, drugs, sports, back pain, solariums, etc.) is the BAG for nothing.
22nd Culture
culture is a private matter. The appropriate federal office is liquidated (to use the agent see above). The Swiss film industry has to stand on its own feet.
23rd School choice
The school choice is guaranteed. Those who are chooses a private school receives, tax refunded accordingly.
24th Parenting
parenting is a private matter. State interference in education is recognized as a human rights violation.
25th Sports
sport is a private matter. The Federal Office for Sport will be abolished.
26th "Service publique"
All telecommunications, energy, transport and postal services are privatized. The "service publique" is unmasked as a service particulier.
27th Drug
All Dogen be legalized.
28th Inheritance
There are no succession duty parts more.
29th Foreign Policy
active neutrality is a contradicio in adjecto . The Swiss foreign policy must serve the interests of Swiss. Development aid is for the ICRC.
30th Development
The ODA is discontinued for lack of success. Donations to private institutions for development assistance may be tax deductible without limit. In addition, all donations to approved institutions are deductible without limit.
first Natural law
It will create a new Article 7 a in Federal Constitution : "Section 1: The Constitution does not create rights, it recognizes only the inherent and pre-existing rights of man para 2. The state serves the preservation of these rights. "
second Flood of legislation
Every law is equipped to adopt a Sunset Clause, that the law expires automatically after a certain time, unless it is re-confirmed (in a referendum capable of parliament). The legal commission of the Parliament are instructed to submit by 2010 a report on the unnecessary laws of Switzerland. With each adoption by Parliament or government default, the following questions must be answered: " What are the economic effects that you see? What are the economic effects can not you see? "
third Taxes
The tax law is simplified. Tax increases are constitutionally prohibited. The Stamp Act is deleted. There is a uniform value added tax. Experimental way, in 2011 declared the year, excluding VAT. All direct business taxes and property taxes be abolished. It will only be proportional income tax (flat rate tax ") were measured. Inheritance and gift taxes are classified as unconstitutional because they violate the fundamental rights to property.
4th Weapons law
Similar to the basic ticket constitutionally entitled to possession and carrying of firearms is recognized. To pass a test and explicit obstacles (previous convictions for crimes against life and limb, interdiction, etc.) may be provided by law. Courses for perfecting the weapons handling are deductible for tax purposes.
5th Expansion of the bureaucracy
The official number is frozen. The respective departments and Agency chief draw up plans to bring the stock of public administration at the 1990 level. Should this fail, the then existing structure and then be taken over by force.
6th Freedom of expression
Any form of "Thought Crime " is abolished. The anti-racism penal provision is deleted. The incitement to crime is punishable by existing laws. Interpretation of history is for historians, not the parliaments, governments and courts.
7th The Road to Serfdom
The " Road to Serfdom "by Frederick Augustus heard of Hayek required reading in schools. The lessons and the private purchase of this book from the released funds of development assistance are subsidized (see below). The book price is tax deductible.
8th People's Rights
the required number of signatures for referendums and constitutional initiatives will be doubled. The tax referendum is introduced.
ninth choice of the Federal
Tentatively, the Federal Council elected by the people. The test period is 8 years, then a public opinion poll conducted this.
10. Military service
The prohibition to make service in foreign armies, are repealed. The federal tax owed (unless removed) will be reduced proportionally to the number of paid days of service in the Swiss army each year. Military service is voluntary.
11th Intervention in the economy
stimulus or stimulant is constitutionally prohibited.
12th Monetary policy
The gold standard is introduced.
13th Competition
The Competition Act is abolished. The Competition Commission is recognized as a plane-based instrument and therefore eliminated. The market is there addressed.
14th Parallel imports
parallel imports are allowed and unilateral. The property is not a guarantee of freedom of a specific sales price. In particular, products that are approved in the EU and the United States (or their constituent states) may be freely imported into Switzerland.
15th Subsidies
all forms of subsidies are terminated. This will only obscures true costs or other (the taxpayers) to bear. The subsidization of agriculture is gradually reduced to zero.
16th Immigration law has
Any foreigner entering of a contract, can. In return, he has no claim to the state for five years.
17th Juvenile justice
who is old enough, is to commit crimes against life and person, who is also old enough to be treated like an adult and possibly punished.
18th Radio and television
The state is with immediate effect from all areas of radio and television. Accordingly, no radio and television fees will be charged more. The federal government may ever a radio station in German, French and Italian to inform the population is involved in an emergency. This radio is financed from the resources freed up the set Culture (see below). AG decisions will be liquidated. From the proceeds of liquidation, an exhibition on state propaganda and media manipulation is funded in totalitarian states.
19th Insurance
health insurance and contributions to the 2nd Column (pension fund) are now voluntary. The same rules apply as for household and private liability insurance. Such deposits and premiums are tax deductible.
20th Smoking bans Smoking bans Legal
be replaced by the phrase: ". It is for the private owner to decide what happens in its premises " The perfidious warnings on cigarette Päckli be removed.
21st Federal Office of Public Health
purpose of the Federal Office of Public Health to preserve the general health of the population, the fight against epidemics, etc. The individual health (obesity, smoking, drugs, sports, back pain, solariums, etc.) is the BAG for nothing.
22nd Culture
culture is a private matter. The appropriate federal office is liquidated (to use the agent see above). The Swiss film industry has to stand on its own feet.
23rd School choice
The school choice is guaranteed. Those who are chooses a private school receives, tax refunded accordingly.
24th Parenting
parenting is a private matter. State interference in education is recognized as a human rights violation.
25th Sports
sport is a private matter. The Federal Office for Sport will be abolished.
26th "Service publique"
All telecommunications, energy, transport and postal services are privatized. The "service publique" is unmasked as a service particulier.
27th Drug
All Dogen be legalized.
28th Inheritance
There are no succession duty parts more.
29th Foreign Policy
active neutrality is a contradicio in adjecto . The Swiss foreign policy must serve the interests of Swiss. Development aid is for the ICRC.
30th Development
The ODA is discontinued for lack of success. Donations to private institutions for development assistance may be tax deductible without limit. In addition, all donations to approved institutions are deductible without limit.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Jenna Jameson Nipple Piercing
For open petrol station shops
Now on sign the petition!
you want to sell and now we want, why can not there just bureaucrats ? Keep out of it
Switzerland enjoys as home address, but also as a business location an excellent international reputation. The Swiss quality of life include consumer-friendly store opening times.
In larger cities and urban areas are gas stations, shops that are open around the clock, an identifiable need. People who work at night - police officers, taxi drivers, shift workers, etc. - are grateful for the opportunity to buy at some gas stations may also at night. This will
the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) to stop now and give the stations concerned no permits. That is why the " IG freedom "- a non-partisan organization with 2,000 members - a petition launched to support the filling station shops. We want a business-friendly policy, which the concerns of consumers are the center - not the concern of the officials!
Please support our petition - please contact one of the attractive 24-hour shops at petrol stations.
Now on sign the petition!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Alice In Wonderlandcake
no to Big Brother biometric
(Version française ici )
The Swiss people will soon vote on the introduction of biometric passports , which can save by using an electronic chip biometric data of the holder. All major parties have adopted the slogan-Yes, with the exception of most parties Jung, Young Socialists, Young Liberals, JSVP, the young and the young Greens are EPP other hand - and rightly so.
The most important reason for a monstrous NO 17 May is the introduction of a database (Information System Identity Documents, "ISA"), which stores all the biometric data of the holder and is entrusted to the Federal Office of Police. So in future, such as the fingerprint to be placed behind each Swiss citizen to the police authorities of the Federation. This would be a complete novelty in Switzerland, as such information previously provided to the authorities of the country were known or accessible as the person concerned is no crime had been guilty Well, then should suddenly be all honest Swiss citizens are fichiert standard biometric, and While on computerized way, in defiance of the presumption of innocence and without any possibility of appeal.
At this point in the mega scandal simply reminded of the beginning Switzerland had shaken the 90's, when 900,000 Citizens (of that time about 6.7 million!) Was fichiert by the federal police were. For the former over-zealous officials were trivial motives often sufficient reason for the stasi -in the accounts: (! Constitutionally permissible) Participation in political meetings left-wing groups, a love relationship with an allegedly subversive person or "suspicious" occupational activities were sufficient for the opening a personal Fiche ( this French-language documentary takes one to almost the breath). This gigantic government spying operation was revealed only because a parliamentary commission of inquiry PUK interested in the course of Kopp affair for the police practices of the federal government and the cantons. The "Fichenaffäre" has shaken Switzerland in the episode to their foundations and damaged the confidence of the Swiss in their state long term. The memory lasted but apparently not very long, because not even 20 years after these events, we consider now therefore turn to speak to the State the means to prevent it from ultra modern instruments for the total surveillance of citizens there. Of course, the politicians and the police do not become tired claim that the use of the database search purposes not yet provided possible and that foreign authorities have no access. Such a database is, however, necessary to facilitate the replacement of identity documents and assess the identity of the applicant to be able to more reliably. Also would be so there is no way an ID card under a false identity is much more difficult this way. "
Even if such promises are certainly encouraging, so the danger of state abuse can not be excluded. Moreover, it is exactly but most of all those involved in the leadership of the authorities here said that fear in a country the most and controlled. The Fichenaffäre In the supposedly liberal and democratic Switzerland delivered in this respect the resounding proof. The police authorities is fundamentally distrust rather always and everywhere. The introduction of a common computerized system to collect biometric data on all Swiss would be an unprecedented expansion of police state like in Switzerland. Why should one day not the same blood type, a sperm sample or even the DNA stored? A relevant change in the law would come along just subtle enough, coupled with the necessary "outside political necessity." In truth, it is now to introduce a biometric Big Brother . In comparison, the typewriter and blueprint based Fichenstaat the cold war is proving to be extremely dangerous. The official pledge of self-restraint and respect for fundamental rights are worthless, given the current political developments which condones it always wider disruption of the interventionist state of privacy in the name of whatever kind "general interest". A state of the funds not used voluntarily, he holds, as a merely temporary tax increase: such do not exist. Even the American founding father Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790) wusste:
The Swiss people will soon vote on the introduction of biometric passports , which can save by using an electronic chip biometric data of the holder. All major parties have adopted the slogan-Yes, with the exception of most parties Jung, Young Socialists, Young Liberals, JSVP, the young and the young Greens are EPP other hand - and rightly so.
The most important reason for a monstrous NO 17 May is the introduction of a database (Information System Identity Documents, "ISA"), which stores all the biometric data of the holder and is entrusted to the Federal Office of Police. So in future, such as the fingerprint to be placed behind each Swiss citizen to the police authorities of the Federation. This would be a complete novelty in Switzerland, as such information previously provided to the authorities of the country were known or accessible as the person concerned is no crime had been guilty Well, then should suddenly be all honest Swiss citizens are fichiert standard biometric, and While on computerized way, in defiance of the presumption of innocence and without any possibility of appeal.
At this point in the mega scandal simply reminded of the beginning Switzerland had shaken the 90's, when 900,000 Citizens (of that time about 6.7 million!) Was fichiert by the federal police were. For the former over-zealous officials were trivial motives often sufficient reason for the stasi -in the accounts: (! Constitutionally permissible) Participation in political meetings left-wing groups, a love relationship with an allegedly subversive person or "suspicious" occupational activities were sufficient for the opening a personal Fiche ( this French-language documentary takes one to almost the breath). This gigantic government spying operation was revealed only because a parliamentary commission of inquiry PUK interested in the course of Kopp affair for the police practices of the federal government and the cantons. The "Fichenaffäre" has shaken Switzerland in the episode to their foundations and damaged the confidence of the Swiss in their state long term. The memory lasted but apparently not very long, because not even 20 years after these events, we consider now therefore turn to speak to the State the means to prevent it from ultra modern instruments for the total surveillance of citizens there. Of course, the politicians and the police do not become tired claim that the use of the database search purposes
Even if such promises are certainly encouraging, so the danger of state abuse can not be excluded. Moreover, it is exactly but most of all those involved in the leadership of the authorities here said that fear in a country the most and controlled. The Fichenaffäre In the supposedly liberal and democratic Switzerland delivered in this respect the resounding proof. The police authorities is fundamentally distrust rather always and everywhere. The introduction of a common computerized system to collect biometric data on all Swiss would be an unprecedented expansion of police state like in Switzerland. Why should one day not the same blood type, a sperm sample or even the DNA stored? A relevant change in the law would come along just subtle enough, coupled with the necessary "outside political necessity." In truth, it is now to introduce a biometric Big Brother . In comparison, the typewriter and blueprint based Fichenstaat the cold war is proving to be extremely dangerous. The official pledge of self-restraint and respect for fundamental rights are worthless, given the current political developments which condones it always wider disruption of the interventionist state of privacy in the name of whatever kind "general interest". A state of the funds not used voluntarily, he holds, as a merely temporary tax increase: such do not exist. Even the American founding father Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790) wusste:
Those Who Would Give Up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, Deserve Neither Liberty nor Safety .
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Bench Store Net Income
Non au flicage biométrique
(Deutsche Version yesterday )
The Swiss electorate is asked to vote on the introduction of biometric passports called capable of recording biometric data Using a chip (a "chip" Electronics). All major parties except the Swiss People's Party are in favor of the law in question. However, "Youth" of the Socialist Party, Radical Party, the Greens and the Evangelical party and other groups are opposed that. Why they are they right?
The major argument to say "No" May 17 is the parallel introduction of a database ("ISA") or all the biometric information of the holder will be filed. For example, the fingerprint will be registered with the police authorities of the Confederation. An absolute novelty, since until now, such information was not available to the authorities as the person concerned had committed no offense criminal. Suddenly, all honest citizens will therefore be flagged in the future. And this computerized and without recourse.
must then remember the mega-scandal of 1990, when 900,000 people living in Switzerland (about 6.7 million at the time!) Were stuck by the federal police, for reasons often quite benign : Participation in political demonstrations left, romantic relationships with people deemed subversive, professional activities "shady" (see this documentary astounding at the time). The scandal erupted when by chance when a commission of inquiry Parliament took an interest in policing the Confederation and the cantons. The "Case of cards" has profoundly shaken the confidence of the Swiss in their state. Not for long however, since rediscussing now provide ultra-modern facilities to the State for it to acquire a powerful tool for monitoring and total. Of course, politicians and police services are quick to promise that abuses are not possible, the use of the database for investigative purposes is not permitted and provided that foreign authorities do not have access to the system. However, such a system would be needed to facilitate the replacement of identity documents and make more reliable identification of the owner. Moreover, "fraudulently obtaining a passport under a false identity will be considerably more difficult."
If these promises are certainly welcome, it remains to be seen as the possibility of abuse can not be ruled out. Moreover, it is precisely the authorities in charge of such a system are most likely to occur in any political system. The case sheets has delivered the shocking evidence of the country so-called liberal and democratic of Switzerland. The introduction of a system computerized and widespread biometric data capture (why not one day be as blood type, a sample of semen or DNA?) on all the Swiss would constitute an unprecedented extension of the Swiss police state: A Big Brother Biometric . The promise of self-limitation of the authorities and respect for individual rights are worthless to a development policy which requires that the interventionist state interferes a little bit more in areas purely private-course always in the name of "general interest".
The State Police has the means and not in use, c'est comme une augmentation d'un impôt provisoire : ça n'existe pas. Il est utile de citer ici le père fondateur américain Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790):
The Swiss electorate is asked to vote on the introduction of biometric passports called capable of recording biometric data Using a chip (a "chip" Electronics). All major parties except the Swiss People's Party are in favor of the law in question. However, "Youth" of the Socialist Party, Radical Party, the Greens and the Evangelical party and other groups are opposed that. Why they are they right?
The major argument to say "No" May 17 is the parallel introduction of a database ("ISA") or all the biometric information of the holder will be filed. For example, the fingerprint will be registered with the police authorities of the Confederation. An absolute novelty, since until now, such information was not available to the authorities as the person concerned had committed no offense criminal. Suddenly, all honest citizens will therefore be flagged in the future. And this computerized and without recourse.
must then remember the mega-scandal of 1990, when 900,000 people living in Switzerland (about 6.7 million at the time!) Were stuck by the federal police, for reasons often quite benign : Participation in political demonstrations left, romantic relationships with people deemed subversive, professional activities "shady" (see this documentary astounding at the time). The scandal erupted when by chance when a commission of inquiry Parliament took an interest in policing the Confederation and the cantons. The "Case of cards" has profoundly shaken the confidence of the Swiss in their state. Not for long however, since rediscussing now provide ultra-modern facilities to the State for it to acquire a powerful tool for monitoring and total. Of course, politicians and police services are quick to promise that abuses are not possible, the use of the database for investigative purposes is not permitted and
If these promises are certainly welcome, it remains to be seen as the possibility of abuse can not be ruled out. Moreover, it is precisely the authorities in charge of such a system are most likely to occur in any political system. The case sheets has delivered the shocking evidence of the country so-called liberal and democratic of Switzerland. The introduction of a system computerized and widespread biometric data capture (why not one day be as blood type, a sample of semen or DNA?) on all the Swiss would constitute an unprecedented extension of the Swiss police state: A Big Brother Biometric . The promise of self-limitation of the authorities and respect for individual rights are worthless to a development policy which requires that the interventionist state interferes a little bit more in areas purely private-course always in the name of "general interest".
The State Police has the means and not in use, c'est comme une augmentation d'un impôt provisoire : ça n'existe pas. Il est utile de citer ici le père fondateur américain Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790):
Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety .
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Radio Controlled Titanic
What do the Swiss have in common with Indians ...
remarkably early, what a farce we are living through now. After the capitulation of the Federal Council before the tax hells last Friday the 13th, is excited the Swiss political and media landscape with a statement of German Finance Minister Peer Steinbrück, the Swiss accused of being "Indian":
Instead, one would actually be proud of the comparison of Steinbrück, the Indians were finally previously been there and then by the devious careerists (the "cavalry") made ready. Sitting Bull was a Good Guy. Peer "Custer" Steinbrück has for once quite right.
is worth noting, finally, the manipulative process in which we live. A few years ago at the end of the Savings Tax Agreement was not insured, you would have saved by banking secrecy. In "Schengen" it was then managed to banking secrecy to "protect ", yes it does " cement. Now it was but today "eased" to the next - but only against "foreigners", which are taxable abroad. For Swiss taxpayers, but it remains in the distinction between tax evasion and fraud * so a insured. Exactly. And if the EU is to avoid importing a few years minimum tax rates interspersed (such as VAT) and the German Finance Minister then coughed a little loud and abusive, is Switzerland will also be tracks and collaborating "cooperate"? Too many people fail to recognize that bank secrecy only, but at least one outflow fundamental individual right is designed to protect the citizen from a curious and confiscatory government. So here's also little room for "pragmatism" is. The tyranny, however, is on silent feet. Like a tumor, it is usually too late when it really starts to hurt.
* tax evasion is not the way, not punished, it is rather mild punishment as tax fraud. Just as one between a speeding 5 km / h and such a difference of 50km / h, as in criminal law and in tax law between fact and fraudulent conduct naked concealment differ. The tax information exchange is to be compared with the delivery of criminal justice, which is allowed only for crimes of a certain severity.
remarkably early, what a farce we are living through now. After the capitulation of the Federal Council before the tax hells last Friday the 13th, is excited the Swiss political and media landscape with a statement of German Finance Minister Peer Steinbrück, the Swiss accused of being "Indian":
occasion was at a media conference of the preparatory summit of G20 countries over the weekend Steinbrück to Switzerland with Indians and the OECD and the Germans compared with the cavalry. "There has never a black-list, where it has been only one instrument to the Indians in terror enable"Switzerland is now learning the hard way what the consequences of a flickering foreign policy that is just an image and whatever kind of human rights promotion and thereby safeguarding the interests neglected altogether. Spicy is then that the foreign minister and her party known to be in "solidarity" with the other countries have long desired the complete exchange of information. The Switzerland international is now present but so weak a position not seen in decades. It is only logical that it is in times of crisis, those who might only matter when the music stops.
black list only as "Indian scare"
had Peter Balzano, a correspondent for Swiss television (SF ), Steinbrück cited in the "Tagesschau".
those statements were "unacceptable, aggressive and offensive," said the head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) Micheline Calmy-Rey on Monday during question time the National Council. "We are a different reaction from Germany to the relaxation of bank secrecy would have hoped."
Instead, one would actually be proud of the comparison of Steinbrück, the Indians were finally previously been there and then by the devious careerists (the "cavalry") made ready. Sitting Bull was a Good Guy. Peer "Custer" Steinbrück has for once quite right.
is worth noting, finally, the manipulative process in which we live. A few years ago at the end of the Savings Tax Agreement was not insured, you would have saved by banking secrecy. In "Schengen" it was then managed to banking secrecy to "protect ", yes it does " cement. Now it was but today "eased" to the next - but only against "foreigners", which are taxable abroad. For Swiss taxpayers, but it remains in the distinction between tax evasion and fraud * so a insured. Exactly. And if the EU is to avoid importing a few years minimum tax rates interspersed (such as VAT) and the German Finance Minister then coughed a little loud and abusive, is Switzerland will also be tracks and collaborating
* tax evasion is not the way, not punished, it is rather mild punishment as tax fraud. Just as one between a speeding 5 km / h and such a difference of 50km / h, as in criminal law and in tax law between fact and fraudulent conduct naked concealment differ. The tax information exchange is to be compared with the delivery of criminal justice, which is allowed only for crimes of a certain severity.
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