Uncle Ace puts it:
Now, Some folks are upset about Rather That ad for fear of a police state Because it displays gold environmentalists have fascists and A Whole Other Host of reasons that I’m not going to talk about. I’m going to talk about why the ad ensures I will not buy that car. The ad shows people violating what I presume are green laws and those people being arrested, harassed, and having the police state come down on them. The compliant people suffer no such fate. That is, the sheep are left alone. The ad says that, by virtue of buying this car, you will be a compliant citizen. In essence, you’ll be a better sheep. Fuck that.
The commercial should have ended with a guy in a big ass Ford Earthfucker™ that gets 5 miles per gallon with seats made from baby seals blowing past the roadblock billowing smoke. And, for effect, the driver flips them off. I’d buy that car. Not this little compliant pansy car. You appeal to Americans in an ad by showing rebellion and general orneriness. Not passiveness, compliance, or sheepishness.
Some cool guy responded to that demand and created the ad for the Ford Earthfucker ™: