Me Kali
Chapter 7.
was the first time that Norma scolded me, and then she is not comfortable when she is angry!
I tried to make the clown to stop it, but it did not work ...
- Tell me, Kali, we gathered thee, is not it? How welcome thee Titi, Topo and Rafi, tell me, please?
- Okay, Mom Norma, they were adorable .
- Well, now, Charlie is in the same situation as you and I see that you are bad with him, you blow when he wants to play with you, you give shots legs when he approached, it ne va plus!
What have you to say for yourself?
I turned my head and I told him
- I feel that you no longer love, it seems that only matters to him now!
There, Norma remained speechless moments.
- But Kali, you're jealous, it's totally false accusations, we love you as much as before, but we must take care of this baby.
You know, if we had not collected, it would certainly be dead right now, that's what you wanted?
- course not, mother Norma!
- So you gonna help him instead of thinking only of yourself and eat any time, you're becoming a big dondon!
- This is not true, I eat for you to do a little attention to me, that's all!
- Well, Kali, stop. I repeat that I love you, you're even my favorite, you're the only girl and we share our secrets, so I expect that thou Charlie students as if it was your little, he'd be only too the poor.
She said the magic word: her favorite!
So I threw myself into his arms and started to look after Charlie.
First, I let him play quietly, even if all the excitement wore me out a lot ...
Then I agreed to play with him, you can see that I made an effort ...
Titi helped me a lot with him, Charlie was quiet (almost ...)!
And Rafi was busy cuddling ...
continued ...
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