Me, Kali
Chapter 9.
So I started the huge task of defending our territory.
We had always had an enemy, Aloe, a really bad that I finally hunted.
I will not do him the honor of a photo on this blog, you can easily understand ...
But I let him in, but for short stays mainly food Curler and Sushi , friends of long standing (in a word "ex") and this poor Taby certainly abandoned.
And then I got out of our territory to listen to reason Oscar , our neighbor dog (canine brother Ponpon ), who terrorized Charlie and Rafi every time they ventured home.
It was quickly made: I planted in front of him, I looked into his eyes and waited, and planted up it back ... and after I ate all his food (not very good for my line, but still ...)
Meanwhile, Charlie had regained some habits Titi and liked apricot jam Norma ...
Ponpon , Charlie and I were good Rafi so he feels less alone since the death of Titi .
It was growing dramatically: at 9 months he was taller than I am, however, does not small ... and it calms down a bit ...
Ponpon , Charlie and I were good Rafi so he feels less alone since the death of Titi .
Thus, slowly, we arrived at Christmas 2009, where you can see Charlie reading the map of our Quebecois cousins and where we ask both before the wheat from the St. Barbara.
And in 2010 came ...
To follow the last chapter of my "saga" (sorry, "Chaga") ...
To follow the last chapter of my "saga" (sorry, "Chaga") ...
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