Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Radio Controlled Titanic

What do the Swiss have in common with Indians ...

remarkably early, what a farce we are living through now. After the capitulation of the Federal Council before the tax hells last Friday the 13th, is excited the Swiss political and media landscape with a statement of German Finance Minister Peer Steinbrück, the Swiss accused of being "Indian":
occasion was at a media conference of the preparatory summit of G20 countries over the weekend Steinbrück to Switzerland with Indians and the OECD and the Germans compared with the cavalry. "There has never a black-list, where it has been only one instrument to the Indians in terror enable"

black list only as "Indian scare"

had Peter Balzano, a correspondent for Swiss television (SF ), Steinbrück cited in the "Tagesschau".

those statements were "unacceptable, aggressive and offensive," said the head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) Micheline Calmy-Rey on Monday during question time the National Council. "We are a different reaction from Germany to the relaxation of bank secrecy would have hoped."
Switzerland is now learning the hard way what the consequences of a flickering foreign policy that is just an image and whatever kind of human rights promotion and thereby safeguarding the interests neglected altogether. Spicy is then that the foreign minister and her party known to be in "solidarity" with the other countries have long desired the complete exchange of information. The Switzerland international is now present but so weak a position not seen in decades. It is only logical that it is in times of crisis, those who might only matter when the music stops.

Instead, one would actually be proud of the comparison of Steinbrück, the Indians were finally previously been there and then by the devious careerists (the "cavalry") made ready. Sitting Bull was a Good Guy. Peer "Custer" Steinbrück has for once quite right.

is worth noting, finally, the manipulative process in which we live. A few years ago at the end of the Savings Tax Agreement was not insured, you would have saved by banking secrecy. In "Schengen" it was then managed to banking secrecy to "protect ", yes it does " cement. Now it was but today "eased" to the next - but only against "foreigners", which are taxable abroad. For Swiss taxpayers, but it remains in the distinction between tax evasion and fraud * so a insured. Exactly. And if the EU is to avoid importing a few years minimum tax rates interspersed (such as VAT) and the German Finance Minister then coughed a little loud and abusive, is Switzerland will also be tracks and collaborating "cooperate"? Too many people fail to recognize that bank secrecy only, but at least one outflow fundamental individual right is designed to protect the citizen from a curious and confiscatory government. So here's also little room for "pragmatism" is. The tyranny, however, is on silent feet. Like a tumor, it is usually too late when it really starts to hurt.

* tax evasion is not the way, not punished, it is rather mild punishment as tax fraud. Just as one between a speeding 5 km / h and such a difference of 50km / h, as in criminal law and in tax law between fact and fraudulent conduct naked concealment differ. The tax information exchange is to be compared with the delivery of criminal justice, which is allowed only for crimes of a certain severity.


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