Friday, February 18, 2011

Tractor Party Wording

Kali's Club: 237! In

Adherents of the week: Barnabe and Rosalie
. They therefore called
Barnabas and Rosalie and cats are the blog "The wind garden .
A gentleman and a lady who become new members of our Club!
qu'écrivent on them is what their humans:
" We never had a cat but this summer, we collected Barnabas a young Siamese who was about 6 months, and Rosalie, a beautiful kitten that despite its lightness seemed to have almost 2 years. And since we're glad to share their jokes, hugs and silly sometimes! "

Congratulations to both new entrants to Kali's Club and a big thank you to their humans to be collected!
Ladies first, you will find the first photo of the lovely Rosalie , then it's very elegant Barnabas.


With Rosalie and Barnabas, Here we are now 237 adherents Kali's Club!
Achilles Aeglos, Agilulfo, Aggripina, Aiyana, Alaska, Alcmene, Alice, Amadeus, Amartya Amartya Jr., Ana Lee, Archibald, Aristotle, Artemisia, Autumn, Ava, Bakunin, Barnaby, Bazaar, Belaud, Bengal, Bernice Curler, Billo, Blitz, Blu, Bombon, Fluffy, Brunelle, Cachou, Cashew, Calinette, Câlinette, Calinou, Camellia, Cinnamon, Capsule, Carbone, Cassie, Chanel, Charlie, Chip y U, Chipie, Cindy, Cleo, Cleome, Tinkerbell, Cocotte, Cody, Curusha, Dada, Dame Snowy Daneas, Delicate's, Diva, Django, Domino, Douce, Doudou, Drang, Éco, Eden-Hemingway, Elettra, Elfie, Elfie(2), Eline, Elliot, Ellipse-Elijah, Enigma, Eole, Erin, Esopo, Ethan Hope, Fagiolino, Falbala, Falstaff, Fanello, Faraon, Farouk, Fingal, Flanby, Flora-Belle, Flora-Lilas, Flora-Lys, Floréal-Flocon, Florean-Fonzi, Flori-Annah, Fraisie, Fragolette, Freya, Gattila, Gattila-Biscotto, Graffiti, Grafite, Gribouille, Groutie, Hemingway, Horus, Impresionista, Jasmine, Jojo, Kali, Karl Marx, Kaspar, Krapule, Kim Kardashian, Kiki (Melle), Lala Lang, Lea, Leda, Leo, Léonie, Lili, Lilly, Liloo, Linéa, Lola, Loustic, Lucrezia, Lulu, Lulu (2), Luna, Malou, Mamma Skady, Ma Chérie, Marasmina, Marilù, Marius, Martin, Matilda, Matisse, Maya, Méline, Memona, Messalina, Michu, Micio, Midnight, Miel, Mina, Minemine, Minette, Minnie, Mirabelle, Miss’Cat, Mistigri, Muezza, Muezza(2), Muni, Murmure, Nari, Negrita, Negro, Niki Hilton, Noisette, Nougatine, Numa, Pallina, Paloma, Petit Prince (PP), Pepe Mujica, Pépin, Philippe, Phoebe, Pimprenelle, Pina, Pippi, Polaco, Pompom, Pomponia, Ponpon, Princesse, Prosper, Prosper Jr, Rabarbaro, Rabi-chat, Rafi, Rashid, Réglisse, Rosalie, Rubis, Saba, Safran, Saha, Samy, Sancho Panda, Scheeva, Scodacjut, Seita, Seita Jr, Senorita Unas, Sheherazade, Shang, Shunrei, Shunrei (2), Shun Tzu, Sido, Siegfried, Sigyn, Sisley, Soledad, Sushi, Taby, Tadzio, Tata, Tata 2, Teja, Teodolinda, Teke, Thelma, Theo, Thor, Tigers, Tiki, Timon , Tipi, Tite, Tofee, Tommy, Tontolone, Touillon, trottinette, Ulysse, Victor, Vizier, Winter, Yoda, York, zag, Zeb, sable, Zig, Zitelli, Zizzi.
. Nous voici donc
108 waiters et 129 daughters. A good balance
child waiters pour les inscriptions de cette semaine!

Pour les nationalité:
120 French, 9 Quebecers 77 Italians, 21 Argentinian 5 Swiss 1 Belgian a Greek, a English 1 Ivory Coast, a American (USA).
Among the French: 15
Marseille Corsica

1 9 5 Britons
2 2 5
Nice Provence Pyrenees

1 3 of the Basque Coast
12 Ile de France
7 of Nord Pas-de-Calais
5 of the Atlantic Coast
28 Bordeaux 15
southern regions 11 of unidentified

Congratulations to our new members
and a big THANK YOU to all
for this FANTASTIC SCORE of 237!

A very big at all Kalin
live with cats!
Your friend Lady Kali


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